

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Choice

Its interesting and sometimes painful to watch people on TV debate your life.  By that meaning the gay part of your (my) life.  To them its an abstraction yet they feel they are experts enough to want to create public policy in regards to you.  Its really a lot closer to home when you are confronted with someone who wants to debate you with you.  Being we just passed through the holiday season and families are in close quarters I'm sure some of the unlucky "you" had to do just that.

Usually when people want to debate "you" or are stating "facts" about "you" they are using something religious text such as the Bible.  If the Quran says anything remotely anti-homosexual thats probably the only verse those same people would say is accurate.  They ascribe a certain belief that this ancient book that has been used for over a millennia, that has been the reason, impetus, excuse for so much violence in the world is without error.  (Note that at its essence its a book that should inspire hope and love)

Today people can't decide if Rick Perry is going to continue in the Republican nomination process despite news reports and live broadcast.  But we are suppose to live our life according to this book which has been retranslated and re-edited across the course of its very historical life.

But the topic is The Choice.  Those pounders of the pulpit would have everyone believe that it is a choice to be homosexual and by its nature can be "un-chosen."  I have friends that are of the religious ilk that also have brought this to my attention.  Just because you have certain feelings doesn't mean you need to act on them.  That sounds completely logical and is actually in keeping with my own Buddhist beliefs.

So how does one determine which actions should we act upon.  Again I will turn to my own beliefs but I think this would be universal.  Harm.  Any action that causes us to harm another is probably not a good action to take.  In Buddhism we take the bodhisattva vows where we essentially vow to live our life in service to others.  So who is being harmed by living a lie?  Because to deny yourself of who you are is a lie to yourself and its one that you never really believe.

They will try the argument that you may want to commit murder but I would classify that as harm.  They love to pin the pedophile label on homosexuals (more acts are committed by heterosexuals) and pedophilia is certainly harm.  Then we would begin the great discourse of harming society which is so baseless it has ... no argument required.

Who is harmed by living a lie besides yourself - everyone, including your wife if you decide to try that escape route.  I've watched too many marriages eventually fall apart because of that little lie.  It goes without saying about having to explain that to the children from the marriage.  Surprisingly most former couples end us as friends but so much of their life spent  - due to a lie.  I find that very sad.

The lie gets more tawdry if we begin to bring up the results of repression that have become so obvious in the Catholic Church.  Men in an attempt to lie to themselves choose to become priest and completely deny and suppress their homosexuality.  There we find pedophilia not from an openly gay man but from a extremely world denying self hater that is acting out where his sexual development was stymied.   I would say its the same type of situation for people like Jerry Sandusky.  In each case it is an attempt to be "normal" that eventually destroys them.   Here the Choice to lie has had awful consequences - harm.

I think one of the first things that Buddhism forces us to do is face reality.  Don't gloss it over and place blame on something for your circumstances.  There is no devil made me do it escape hatch.  Face reality.  But we find through meditation and study that reality is actually quite different from what we thought.  Reality exist despite our valiant attempts to make it a certain way.  Those moral pundits want the world to exist a certain way and use religion to justify that attempt.  Attempting to force our view on the world is defined as Ignorance and is the subject of the 2nd Noble Truth.  It is why we suffer.

There is a Choice to make.  The true choice is to live your life honestly.  To try not to harm others or yourself.  In fact, its really best to help others and thereby you'll help yourself.  And your not helping anyone by living a lie.



  1. See...wonderful, wise and full of clarity. I am so very proud to have a friend in my life like you.

  2. Well said. I disagree with your points about the Bible (as a Christian I kind of have to) but I agree with pretty much every other point you make. People who use the Bible or Koran or Talmud or the Upanishads or anything like that to justify their own fears does wrong and wrongs what they purport to represent.

  3. I'm actually not bashing the Bible. More the idea that has been glazed onto the surface of the Bible. If the Bible is taken as it is without impugning a sacrosanct divinity upon it then it is a fascinating inspiring book - in fact book is too small a word for it.
