

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Partisanship and Purity

I hear all the time that THIS particular teachings is of the HIGHEST in Buddhism.  THIS teaching is the PUREST.  Whether it is Madyamika Prasangika, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, or some off branch of Tibetan Buddhism that no one recognizes but their own followers.

We have all the innate desire to be a part of the best.  When discussing the GIANT path of Shambhala Buddhism with Acharya Adam Lobel I tried to question him about this.  Is this truly a path or is it mankind's need for a map to enlightenment that really doesn't exist (the map doesn't exist I have no idea about enlightenment).  If you compare Shambhala's path to Scientology's path to Operating Thetan.. it doesn't look much different.

Shambhala, like Scientology, is full of reverence for these people that "achieve" these higher levels yet maintain an enforced secrecy about what exactly these people are doing thats so special.  In Shambhala they are referred to "tantrikas."  As if this is really all that.  Tantra is a essential part of Tibetan Buddhism practiced by all schools.  I have a couple of "empowerments."  Without going into the esoteric details I can't really say I always find it so special.  I go through periods where its interesting and periods where it isn't.  Google Tantra if this peaks your curiosity.  I'm certainly not dissing it.  I'm the first to admit perhaps I just don't get the profundity of tantra yet.  Like I said at times its more interesting than others.

And perhaps... its because Tantra is considered the HIGHEST path in Tibetan (not necessarily with other factions) Buddhism that the mystiq is there?

The other question that arises is Partisanship.  There is a lojong (mind training) saying that "All dharma's agree at one point."  Pretty self explanatory.  However there are still those that say, "My dharma is better than yours.  Ours contains the HIGHEST/PUREST teachings."  This is usually followed by something like, "of course my mind is different than your mind..."  Which is a safeguard to disallow the charge of partisanship.  But more justification will always follow with the implication that their's is still better.

I'm actually only interested in what works.  I really don't think the Buddha set out to find the HIGHEST teachings as much as he sought an actual solution to the human condition of suffering.   I look for what works in my day to day life.  What helps me walk more gently in the world and with others.  What inspires me to shift the focus of all about me to others.  Because it truly is only through others that we find happiness.  Self absorption is rapidly dull and and a sure road to self destruction.  Buddhism's teachings on Emptiness is clearest description of reality I've ever found.

I'm sure reading this there will be those that think I haven't achieved a high enough rebirth to understand their HIGHER/PURER teachings.    Perhaps not.  But I don't think you have clue either.


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